For some Missouri funeral homes, the ‘disagreement’ over the Section 436.405.1.(8) and insurance assignments has been brought to their doorstep.  In January, the State Board and their staff debated the issue of whether insurance assignments and beneficiary designations made in favor of a funeral home should constitute a preneed contract. The State Board rejected the staff’s interpretation of the fore mentioned section, and now the auditors seem to be pressing that disagreement to the Missouri’s funeral homes by way of the Chapter 436 financial examination.

This blog went on record in opposition to the staff’s regulation proposal as too broad, but there is also a need to go on record for the need for better consumer protection in these transactions.

When an assignment of insurance (or the designation of beneficiary) is made, it is done so in anticipation that the funeral home will apply the death benefits to the insured’s funeral arrangement. But have there been any promises about the prices or the right of the insured’s family to use another funeral home?  Such issues should be set out in an agreement between the funeral home and the insured so that the insured’s family is not left to guess.