Late in 2021, PNC Bank threw in the towel. After years of litigation and two appeals, PNC Bank agreed to a settlement with the NPS special deputy receiver. Last month, our Illinois clients began receiving POC notices from the SDR that a portion of their claims for inflation would be honored. Payment of funeral home
Trust Funded
Nebraska Preneed Legislation – Clarifying Trust Liability
On January 30th, the Nebraska Legislature will conduct a hearing on a bill to fix a problem with the state’s preneed funeral law. The Burial Pre-Need Sale Act was originally passed in 1986, when preneed trusts invested almost exclusively in government bonds. The intent of the Nebraska law was to require the preneed…
Preneed Turf War: Pennsylvania Funeral Directors and StoneMor
In an unusual move for a death care regulator, the Federal Trade Commission weighed in on the preneed turf war that has erupted between Pennsylvania funeral directors and StoneMor Partners. At the request of the chairman for a Pennsylvania legislative committee, the FTC responded with a detailed letter warning against various bill proposals aimed at…
Preneed Trust Shortages: Missouri’s Income Withdrawals
Prior to Missouri re-writing its preneed law in 2009, preneed sellers could draw off realized income so long as the withdrawal did not reduce the trust’s fair market value below trust deposits. Seeking income, many Missouri sellers directed their trustees to invest in bonds. As interest rates declined during the early part of the prior…
Missouri and Preneed Deficiencies: What is a shortage?
At its June meeting, the Missouri State Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors gave instructions to their staff to draft legislation that would provide the Board powers to force preneed sellers to contribute funds to their trusts to cover ‘shortages’. The instruction was not without some controversy as one Board member questioned why he was…
State Master Trusts: Plans of Reorganization
Two of the country’s largest association ran master trusts now have pending plans of reorganization. On May 14th, the receiver appointed for the Wisconsin Master Trust filed a Final Report that outlined to a court his proposal for the reorganization of that program. On May 22nd, a hearing was held in…
Preneed Downgrades: Refunds
With increasing regularity, preneed consumers are downgrading from traditional funerals to cremation services. To accommodate the consumer, funeral homes often amend the original contract with a downgrade addendum. An addendum is used to avoid a contract cancellation and a new contract where additional state fees might be required. However, downgrade addendum can pose certain problems.…
Trust Funded Preneed and Insurance Assignments
Funeral homes frequently allow the assignment of insurance as partial payment towards a trust funded preneed contract, but the manner in which the assignment is made can cause problems for them. Preneed trustees will not accept an insurance policy for a host of reasons. Insurance proceeds paid to a trust are not tax free and…
Preneed Contracts: Where to Apply a Discount
It is common for a funeral home to offer a discount to a preneed contract purchaser when the sales price is to be paid in full at the time of purchase. However, funeral homes are often inconsistent in how the discount is applied to the preneed contract. We have seen the discount recorded as a…
Criminal Intent: Use of the Wrong Deposit Book
An Oklahoma funeral director faces serious prison time over the deposit of preneed funds to his business operating account. The Oklahoma Department of Insurance decided to go to a local prosecutor when a Department audit found the funeral director had routinely failed to deposit consumer funds to the preneed trust required by state law. The…