The 2010 calendar year proved a welcomed change for many trust funded preneed programs. The 2008 collapse of the home mortgage market triggered a melt down of bonds that lingered well into 2009. The press provided extensive coverage of how the situation impacted our 401k accounts. Stories about value declines of 25% to 33% were

Many preneed trusts either experienced significant capital losses last year or are sitting on assets that have unrealized losses. For those trusts that have taken a Section 685 election, these losses may be carried into future years as a capital loss carryover. While everyone would prefer to avoid realizing those losses, that loss can be

Everyone complains about continuing education, but occasionally the concept is reinforced when a timely program provides needed insight. Such should be the case when the Missouri Funeral Directors and Embalmers Association sponsors a class on the tax consequences of servicing an NPS contract. 

Funeral directors need to understand that they do not necessarily incur a tax

One of the many issues facing regulators in the Clayton Smart debacle was the surrender of thousands of Forethought life insurance policies by a Forest Hill preneed trustee. New light will probably be shed on this issue with revelations that Robert Nelms and Clayton Smart may each have been using the same financial management company: Security

Whether it is because of state law restrictions or preneed purchaser demographics, death care trusts have unique requirements when it comes to investments.  Consequently, it is fairly common for a death care trust to utilize an investment advisor who has experienced with the industry.  However, the deductibility of the fees paid to outside advisors by

The National Funeral Directors Association has taken the lead in getting legislation introduced to eliminate the dollar cap imposed on qualified funeral trusts.  While I hope the NFDA succeeds, it won’t be without a fight from the IRS. 

As the death care industry inches towards the non-guaranteed preneed transaction, the IRS will express its concerns over abusive trusts.