As cemeteries struggle with harsh economic conditions, regulators are bound to look at their ‘problem cemeteries’ and weigh whether legal proceedings are necessary to preserve the care funds mandated by state law. To the extent such proceedings are premised in part on how capital gains are defined and whether distributions from capital gains are an
Self Reporting: how deep will it go?
By Bill Stalter on
Posted in Missouri - SB1, Preneed
Missouri funeral homes will get their first glimpse of their State Board’s proposal for self reporting for preneed sales. Under the prior law, preneed sellers merely reported the number of contracts sold and their aggregate sales price.
For Missouri regulators to properly assess whether ‘old’ Chapter 436 trusts and joint accounts are properly funded, the…
No crook, but a stiff penalty nevertheless
By Bill Stalter on
Small town funeral homes often lack the volume of business to warrant a ‘preneed program’. And, if there is no competition, why hassle with the costs of preneed compliance. The short answer is reputation and integrity.
A recent article about an Iowa funeral director suggests the operator may have only handled a hand full of preneed…
NPS throws in the towel
By Bill Stalter on